We are the little voices whispering 'maybe' when the whole world screams 'No!'


classroom image

College Diary is an effective, transparent and a swift interaction application between students and educational bodies within institute, bringing about the much needed digital transformation within the education enterprise.
For a student, CollegeDiary acts as the perfect link to all accessible resources of the institute as well as his customised personal diary which maintains his schedule, attendance, grade and other events happening around him within the institute.

Why CDi?


Know Every Student

The educational institution’s administration gets the ability to monitor a student’s performance on an individual basis. Tracking every student’s academic, sports, and extracurricular activities performance becomes extremely easy for individual as well as the institute’s administrators. Such data can help professors and administration to see the student’s true potential.


Improving Academic Record

When students start having doubts about their course or career, they feel isolated. The available resources are invisible to the distressed student which becomes a major issue in falling student retention rates. To counter the problem, our application enables real-time data ranging from to the attendance, class schedule, CPI and SPI tracker to detailed graphs and analytics which helps in boosting academic career.


Quicker Decision Making

Automation eradicates the need to create paperwork in various procedures, thus, reducing the unnecessary workload faced by the management, including professors who at times need to indulge in administration and other designated responsibility related work. Overall, a lot of time, resources, and money can be saved as some of the most tedious tasks automatically get taken care of.



How Can We Collaborate?

Student Logo

You're A Student

Learn and grow with us.

  • Become our outreach representative.
  • Help us to reach important stakeholders of your institute.
  • Improve your network and nurture your interpersonal skills.
  • Your help can ensure smooth functioning of our application in your institute.
Become Outreach Rep
Professor Logo

You're A Professor

Initiate the transition to a smart college.

  • Explore what it means to in a smart college.
  • Help us communicate our vision to important stakeholders.
  • View your college progress toward digital efficiency.
  • All you need to do is provide your email id so that we can start a conversation.
Provide Your Email
College-Cloud Logo

College Cloud

Help us make a better community.

  • Anyone who's willing to learn some cool skills are invited here.
  • Help us to reach our potential clients within your good number of network connections.
  • Adapt and personalize our application and service to personal preference and need.
  • Refer to your friend and potential learners.
Provide Your Email
Service Provider Logo

Service Provider

Let's grow fast together.

  • Collaborate comfortably across cultural and subject specialist boundaries.
  • Build network and collaborative opportunities.
  • Help us with your digital media and network influence social behavior.
  • Open to other collaborations that you can think of.
Provide Your Email


Param Doshi

Shambhav Tyagi

Manish Ubnare

Ashish Tanwar

Rohit Sahu

Tejas Rai

Contact Us